Koppaka O and Bakthavachalu B# (2025). A Modified Analysis Pipeline for RBP Target Identification Using RNA Editing. (Under review) (#Corresponding author).
Karuppasamy M*, Yadav S*, Kandi AR, Vinothkumar KR#, Bakthavachalu B# (2025). High-resolution structure of mosquito 80S ribosome. (In preparation) (# Corresponding authors).
Koppaka O, Tandon S, Chodankar AP, Bakthavachalu B# (2025). Efficient Ribosomal RNA Depletion from Drosophila total RNA for Next-Generation Sequencing Applications (# Corresponding author). Wellcome Open Research (In Press). (#Corresponding author).
Petrauskas A*, Fortunati DL*, Reddy A, Pothapragada SS, Agrawal K, Singh A, Huelsmeier J, Hillebrand J, Brown G, Chaturvedi D, Lee J, Lim C, Auburger G, VijayRaghavan K, Ramaswami M#, and Bakthavachalu B# (2024) Structured and disordered regions of Ataxin-2 contribute differently to the specificity and efficiency of mRNP granule formation. PLoS Genet., 20, e1011251. *These authors contributed equally. (#Corresponding authors).
Agrawal K*, Prabhakar S*, Bakthavachalu B# and Chaturvedi D# (2024). An anatomical map of malarial vector Anopheles stephensi development. Dev Biol. Apr;508:107-122. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2024.01.008. *These authors contributed equally. (# Corresponding authors).
Prasad A, Sreedharan S, Bakthavachalu B#, Laxman S# (2023). Eggs of the mosquito Aedes aegypti survive desiccation by rewiring their polyamine and lipid metabolism. PLoS Biol., 21(10): e3002342. pbio.3002342. (#Corresponding authors)
Chen N, Zhang Y, Adel M, Kuklin EA, Mardovin JD, Bakthavachalu B, VijayRaghavan K, Ramaswami M, and Griffith LC. Local translation provides the asymmetric distribution of CaMKII required for associative memory formation (2022). Curr Biol., 20;32(12):2730-2738.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.04.047. (
Singh A, Reddy A, Jayaprakashappa D, Thuery G, Purohit J D, Huelsmeier J, Singh R, Ramaswami M#, and Bakthavachalu B# (2022) The transcriptional response to oxidative stress is interdependent of stress granule formation. Mol Biol Cell. 2022 Mar 1;33(3):ar25 ( (#Corresponding authors)
Huelsmeier J, Walker E, Bakthavachalu B, Ramaswami M. Ataxin-2 disordered region promote Huntington protein aggregation and neurodegeneration in Drosophila models of Huntington's disease. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, Volume 11, Issue 12, December 2021 (
Singh A* , Huelsmeier J* , Reddy A, Pothapragada SS, Hillebrand J, Petrauskas A, Agrawal K, Krishnan RT, Thiagarajan D, Jayaprakashappa D, VijayRaghavan K, Ramaswami M#, and Bakthavachalu B# (2021) Antagonistic roles for Ataxin-2 structured and disordered domains in RNP condensation. eLife., 10:e60326. *These authors contributed equally. (#Corresponding authors)
Bakthavachalu B,* Huelsmeier J,* Sudhakaran I, Hillebrand J, Singh A, Petrauskas A, Thiagarajan D, Sankaranarayanan M, Mizoue L, Anderson E, Pandey UB, Ross E, Parker R, VijayRaghavan K, and Ramaswami M (2018) RNP-granule assembly via ataxin-2 disordered domains is required for long-term memory and neurodegeneration. Neuron., 98, 754–766. *These authors contributed equally.
Kuklin EA, Alkins S, Bakthavachalu B, Genco MC, Sudhakaran I, VijayRaghavan K, Ramaswami M, and Griffith LC (2017) The long 3′UTR mRNA of CaMKII is essential for translation-dependent plasticity of spontaneous release in Drosophila melanogaster. J. Neurosci., 1313–17.
Mukherjee C, Bakthavachalu B, and Schoenberg DR (2014) The Cytoplasmic Capping Complex Assembles on Adapter Protein Nck1 Bound to the Proline-Rich C-Terminus of Mammalian Capping Enzyme. PLoS Biol. 12(8):E1001933.
Wein N, Vulin A, Falzarano MS, Szigyarto CAK, Maiti B, Findlay A, Heller KN, Uhlén M, Bakthavachalu B, Messina S, Vita G, Passarelli C, Brioschi S, Bovolenta M, Neri M, Gualandi F, Wilton SD, Rodino-Klapac LR, Yang L, Dunn DM, Schoenberg DR, Weiss RB, Howard MT, Ferlini A, and Flanigan KM (2014) Translation from a DMD exon 5 IRES results in a functional dystrophin isoform that attenuates dystrophinopathy in humans and mice. Nat. Med. 20, 992–1000.
Gu S-Q*, Bakthavachalu B*, Han J*, Patil DP, Otsuka Y, Guda C, and Schoenberg DR (2012) Identification of the human PMR1 mRNA endonuclease as an alternatively processed product of the gene for peroxidasin-like protein. RNA 18, 1186–96. *These authors contributed equally.
Mukherjee C*, Patil DP*, Kennedy BA, Bakthavachalu B, Bundschuh R, and Schoenberg DR (2012) Identification of Cytoplasmic Capping Targets Reveals a Role for Cap Homeostasis in Translation and mRNA Stability. Cell Rep. 27;2(3):674-84. * These authors contributed equally.
Rajaram MVS, Ni B, Morris JD, Brooks MN, Carlson TK, Bakthavachalu B, Schoenberg DR, Torrelles JB, and Schlesinger LS (2011) Mycobacterium tuberculosis lipomannan blocks TNF biosynthesis by regulating macrophage MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2) and microRNA miR-125b. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 108, 17408–13.
Kulkarni SD*, Muralidharan B*, Panda AC, Bakthavachalu B, Vindu A, and Seshadri V (2011) Glucose-stimulated translation regulation of insulin by the 5’ UTR-binding proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 14146–14156. * These authors contributed equally.
Panda AC, Kulkarni SD, Muralidharan B, Bakthavachalu B, and Seshadri V (2010) Novel splice variant of mouse insulin2 mRNA: implications for insulin expression. FEBS Lett. 584, 1169–1173.
Bakthavachalu B, Kalanke S, Galande S, Ramanamurthy B, Parab P, Kohale KN, and Seshadri V (2010) Dense cataract and microphthalmia (dcm) in BALB/c mice is caused by mutations in the GJA8 locus. J. Genet. 89, 147–154.
Muralidharan B, Bakthavachalu B, Pathak A, and Seshadri V (2007) A minimal element in 5’UTR of insulin mRNA mediates its translational regulation by glucose. FEBS Lett. 581, 4103–4108.